With the Castle movie application, one can stream in HD, but that strictly depends on the subscription plan one is using. Most of the free users have SD content, which is relatively normal across the industry on free services. Indeed, about 60% of respondents from surveyed users in streaming services note that they would prefer HD or higher resolution of movies and series for an enhanced viewing experience.
The HD streaming is provided to the subscribers of the premium version of the app, and some content is even in 4K. In general, this premium plan allows streaming up to 1080p or 4K resolution, thus offering notably higher quality compared to the free version. Major streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video adopt similar strategies whereby a user has to subscribe to their higher-tier plans in order to stream in 4K.
The quality of the stream would depend on, among other things, the speed of the internet and the device used for viewing. In addition, HD streaming requires a minimum of 5 Mbps, while 25 Mbps or higher is suggested for 4K streaming. This will align with the current industry standard for services such as YouTube and Hulu, which also carry similar internet speed requirements for optimal HD streaming.
The Castle Movie application ensures that the subscribers of its premium service enjoy a continuous and high-definition viewing experience. As an example, 4K resolution contents offer as many as four times the number of pixels when compared to HD; therefore, the viewer is assured of crisp and detailed images for clear viewing. This will particularly come in handy for people whose devices can run 4K content, like modern smart TVs and high-resolution computer monitors.
While the free version of the castle movie app lication allows for standard definition streaming, the premium allows for HD and even 4K streaming. This means that one has to upgrade to a paid plan in order to get the best quality of videos available on the site.